This is game is surprisingly fun, and many families should enjoy this game. I hope it gets frontpaged for the big day tomorrow.
This is game is surprisingly fun, and many families should enjoy this game. I hope it gets frontpaged for the big day tomorrow.
I got as far as the 5 symbols combination and will probably finish it when I get some more time (took already an hour analyzing the code, backtracking so many times). Awesome game!
8bit ftw
It's like oldschool RPG but all action! Great game!
Nicely done!
I just love the controls, although I never played Death vs Monstars so kudos to that game too. I had fun getting all the upgrades and achievements!!
Very nice game...
...though I encountered the same glitch PhycoKrusk got. It's on the level the sandstorm was introduced
Cadillacs and Dinosaurs memories
Not Streets of Rage. This game could have been made better than Cadillacs and Dinosaurs. Should have been better than that classic, but still a nice game on its own.
The controls is so complicated it becomes so frustrating. A simple mouse control for the grappling hook should do it.
It may or may not be apparent, but doing that would massively increase the power of the hook. If you're trying to do long or precise shots with it on a particular puzzle I would recommend looking for alternative approaches.
Third puzzle is annoying, that does not take brains to solve, only perseverance
Sweet Tower Defense
I love the art on this defense, it breaks out of the boring block unit style of other TD. Plus the sound and noises the little items make is funny and gorgeous at the same time.
Most creative puzzles for a deleter game!
This game is good, I love it!
Joined on 12/24/09